This is just a quick good luck message to all of our customers exhibiting at SARCDA Christmas 2015. Here’s to processing orders without paper! We will be onsite full time from Monday the [...]
I have a degree in Industrial Engineering and have never practiced. As part of our undergrad we used to do practical work based projects to gain experience and the manufacturing floor did nothing [...]
We are fast approaching SARCDA Christmas 2015! This is just a friendly reminder to all exhibitors using our Sales Order Processing services that we will need your stock lists by the 10/08/2015. [...]
This may be a simplistic view but I believe that the generalisation I am about to make is largely accurate when looking at business across sectors. As a business you have only ever really had two [...]
Background Interact Media have a division called MTE that runs Mine roadshows and exhibitions throughout Southern Africa – “Bringing the exhibition to the heart of the [...]
Background ArtVault provide a web-based software application that has been specifically designed to accommodate valuable art collections. The intuitive application provides users with the ability [...]
Russian mathematicians conceptualized stealth technology in the 1920s. However, due to a lack of computing power in the Soviet block, during the Cold War, the Russians could not develop a stealth [...]
“What’s in a name?” I found myself asking that question after Apple Inc., the maker of the iPhone, recently made headlines – twice in as many weeks. The first headline was for [...]
I think the CSIR’s new tv ads campaign is dope. I think its high time South Africans got to know about Africa’s answer to the likes of NASA. The CSIR should not be shy to showcase its [...]