QR code marketing campaigns are notoriously lackluster and short sighted. Too often you are directed to a mobile Un-friendly site after scanning the code with your mobile device. These campaigns also often lack creativity and simply point you to a static website with no call to action.
Enter Gillette with their Kate Upton QR code campaign. For those that don’t know Kate she is all kinds of famous and hot and is a Sports Illustrated swimwear model – woof woof! For those of you who don’t know Gillette…doesn’t matter. What matters is they have grabbed your attention and after scanning the code you are taken to a mobile friendly purpose designed online campaign that allows instant buying of their products (a definitive call to action). Hopefully we will start to see more campaigns of this nature (yes, ones with swimsuit models…But also where marketers are not just thoughtlessly jumping on the QR code marketing bandwagon). Bring on creative, memorable, specific and measurable marketing!
Scan the code and check it out…go on!
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