What is a light margin or quiet zone? Most barcodes require a clear area to the left and right of the bars which must not contain text or other images. Failure to keep these areas clear is a [...]
For your reference the following colors are acceptable for print. The ones that follow the first set are not and will cause scanning issues. Why do you want to complicate your life with issues. [...]
Through keeping constant tabs on all things barcoded we sometimes come across stories that at first glance appear to be about barcoding but upon further investigation prove not to be. What this [...]
We are currently very busy in the Big Inja Data pound developing an online platform that we believe will change the face of business barcoding. You will be able to do asset tracking, event [...]
Of course your phones features count but from a usability perspective, nothing is as important as the operating system (OS) the phone runs on. Here are some inputs and research put together by [...]
When it comes to smartphones we at the Big Inja pound are naturally biased towards anything that runs Android. As mentioned in previous posts, we have drunk the Google coolaid and already jumped [...]
We are all about business mobility and system automation. All this in the interest of efficiency and ultimately maximum use of precious time. With this in mind we have listed, for you, the apps [...]
A sad old day in the barcoding world! Woodland’s died at the ripe old age of 91 from effects of Alzheimer’s disease and complications of advanced age. He had a good innings though [...]
An Acoustic Barcode is not a Barcode in the traditional sense but like DNA barcodes, they are piggy backing off the commonly understood fact that barcodes are unique identifiers. It is just [...]