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We are often asked how we plan on mitigating the market share risk that RFID poses to the traditional barcoding industry and our answer is always the same; although there is some overlap, the two technologies largely solve different problems and each is more suitable to specific solutions. Barcoding is cheaper and easier to implement and it really upsets us when clients are misled into implementing an RFID solution that is overkill to their needs.
In a very similar way NFC (near field communication) as solution to business automation is often more than the solution requires. NFC is all the hype at the moment and although you can imagine up some pretty cool applications for this new technology, we need to stress that from a real world business perspective many are gimmicky and lacking practical application…and much more expensive to implement. This following article illustrates perfectly how a company has recognized this and has solved the mobile payment issue using cost effective and established QR code technology rather than jumping on a new technology bandwagon just because the wagon is shiny…
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