An Acoustic Barcode is not a Barcode in the traditional sense but like DNA barcodes, they are piggy backing off the commonly understood fact that barcodes are unique identifiers. It is just [...]
The Modez hotel is in the Netherlands and has 30 bespoke and custom designed rooms. Each room was put together by a different designer. One is a QR code room! There are QR codes on the walls, the [...]
QR codes, the most common of the mobile barcode formats, have not fulfilled their promise in connecting with large audiences, according to a report by consultancy eMarketer. As a marketing tool [...]
According to Wikipedia DNA barcoding is a taxonomic method that uses a short genetic marker in an organism’s DNA to identify it as belonging to a particular species. The Reason that we have [...]
The interweb is full of debate at the moment about Science fiction author Elizabeth Moon’s comments in an interview on a BBC radio program about it being a good idea to “barcode” infants [...]
Alan Haberman, the man responsible for the adoption of the Barcode, died on the 12th of June this year at the age of 81. Mr. Haberman led the industry committee that chose the barcode over other [...]
We are not sure if this is taking our motto of “Barcode Everything” a little too far or not; whether this is a bit weird or kinda cool – we are erring more on the kinda cool side. I mean [...]
I’m not sure if you have caught all the hype around the Ferrari barcode issue? Perhaps not but that’s why we are here; keeping you updated on all things interesting…and barcoded (they are [...]
You see! We are not the only ones obsessed with our striped friends – Artist Scott Blake’s understandable fascination has led to him turning the barcode into an art form. He uses [...]
Have you noticed how everything these days gets branded? And I’m not talking about some mad man with a cattle branding iron running around burning his mark into anything that moves. [...]