I recently came across this post on 99U.com about a girl called Molly Crabapple (what a rad name) and her idea of ultra non-conformism. In a time when old institutions are collapsing she says [...]
Buycott is an app that helps you identify brands that you align with and direct your consumer spend to support causes you believe in and not fund those you don’t. No not [...]
Plastic Cards Specification: Please ask your supplier to produce the cards with UNIQUE SEQUENTIAL QR/2D barcodes on each card. It is best to place the barcode on the centre of the card and make [...]
Shopping with Google Glass: this is what the not too distant future of shopping looks like – check out the video below. We currently support iOS and Android for our business barcoding [...]
We have just released some major changes to our User interface – The primary noticeable changes in this release are as follows: We have ordered the service blocks so that the most recent [...]
“Less but better” “The purpose of design is to make products useful, not more complicated” “Good design means as little design as possible.” ” If it doesn’t [...]
Linguists have long considered immersion as the most important part and the most effective way of learning a new language. A new Slovakian startup (Lingibli) is incorporating QR Barcodes in its [...]
You complete a stock take to get an accurate count of your stock at a particular point in time. Shrinkage, theft and loss mean that system produced stock numbers fall out of line and the only way [...]
Below you will see a very innovative QR barcode campaign that will hopefully give you an indication of what can be achieved and get the old creative juices flowing. Remember that this campaign [...]