Our data dogs fetched this article about #StockTake Automation recently posted on the interweb – you can read the full article below but we have bitten off the important bits for you here:
Stocktaking can be an arduous task for any company if the approach is manual. Harness the power of the barcode, a 50-year old invention that brings efficiency and accuracy to the warehouse eliminating the need for mountains of paperwork, additional staff and days of cross-referencing documents to items held on the warehouse shelves.
Batch data-collection devices can be programmed to allow the automatic capture of warehouse locations, stock codes and quantities simply by scanning the barcode, which eliminates the usual paperwork and saves time. The captured data is stored temporarily in the memory of the scanner in a flat data file format before uploading.
Here is what the client is now barking “Where previously a quarterly stock take would have taken two to three days, we could now get it done in no more than two days, freeing us up to get on with other aspects of the job”.
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