A report at patentlyapple.com details very explicitly Apple’s intent to enter the mobile ticketing market. It had to be expected – The Apple Empire was destined to cross paths with the worlds best automation technology at some point. We actually think that Steve Jobs and his employees were a little slow on the barcode uptake but what they are proposing is still very cool:
Apple envisions a way to revolutionize the entire current concert ticket process so as to eliminate paper while enhancing the concert or event experience. Mobile barcode ticketing has major advantages over traditional paper based methods for controlling entry to events. Obviously there is the saving of the trees but people these days are also more likely to forget their concert ticket at home than their mobile phone.
There are many additional benefits too such as concert goers receiving live recordings of the concert they just attended, song lyrics, discount parking, access to exclusive artist interviews and even pre-purchased refreshments. All this through one magical mobile barcode. “What next” I hear you say!
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