I’m not sure if you have caught all the hype around the Ferrari barcode issue? Perhaps not but that’s why we are here; keeping you updated on all things interesting…and barcoded (they are kind of synonymous; the barcodes and the interesting). The Google machine has been inundated with reports claiming that Ferrari’s Formula 1 Livery is a subliminal form of advertising for its title sponsor Marlboro.
Did you ever wonder what the barcode branding down the back of the Ferrari was for? Well, according to Doctors and Health officials, it has less to do with being able to commercially scan the Ferrari at the till in your local Pick n Pay than it does with subliminally getting you to buy a pack of Marlboro smokes.
Luca di Montezemolo, president of Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro has replied to the allegations by saying that “there are more important matters to think about than a barcode.” Are you being serious Luca my man! I used to be a big Ferrari fan but this one absolutely ludicrous statement will see me supporting the Red Bull team for the rest of the season. More important things! You must be having a laugh!
If nothing else, all this has proved that beyond automating mundane tasks and eliminating human error, the barcode has special subliminal powers too. The Barcodenator – a workplace super hero!
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