Continental Airlines has become the first carrier to offer paperless boarding passes on inbound transatlantic flights to the United States from Frankfurt Airport, Germany. The new technology [...]
You see! We are not the only ones obsessed with our striped friends – Artist Scott Blake’s understandable fascination has led to him turning the barcode into an art form. He uses [...]
Have you noticed how everything these days gets branded? And I’m not talking about some mad man with a cattle branding iron running around burning his mark into anything that moves. [...]
The very first barcode ever commercially scanned was a pack of Wrigley’s Juicy Fruit chewing gum at a Marsh’s supermarket in Troy Ohio on 26th June 1974. I just realised that sounds [...]
Every year, in the United States about 1,500 people have surgical objects accidentally left inside them after surgery – HECTIC! Read this article by ScienceDaily (Dec. 9, 2007) to see how [...]
Our first bark!