Have you noticed how these are popping up everywhere? You scan them with a free scanning app on your phone and get redirected to a website…Or you scan one on a business card to transfer [...]
The mobile revolution is upon us. In the last 5 years the mobile platform (smartphone and tablet technology) has come further, quicker than anyone could have ever imagined. There are a plethora [...]
Indoor navigation is a big frontier for mobile technology because global positioning system (GPS) satellite signals don’t reach inside buildings. It is particularly useful for travelers [...]
Being big fans of Google we thought we would put together a list of the lesser known Google products that you could use for your business. As per usual with Google you get some pretty amazing [...]
Once you have created a baseline register of all of your fixed assets (there is no way around getting your paws dirty here – you need to do the dog work upfront) you should implement a [...]
British Airways has just announced that they will be introducing a new electronic baggage tag system. The electronic tag can be updated via a smartphone. The details of how this will be achieved [...]
With its proven 20ft drop protection, multi-layer rugged construction in six bright colors, and a thin profile designed to fit in virtually any iPad charging cart on the market, iGear’s [...]
Check out this mock-up for a marketing video we want to put together – let us know what you think:
QR code marketing campaigns are notoriously lackluster and short sighted. Too often you are directed to a mobile Un-friendly site after scanning the code with your mobile device. These campaigns [...]